Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 10: Wrap-up

I would like to remind what I’ve learned from the course reviewing the topics of each week.
Week 01: Introductions and orientation to the course; creating an academic blog, discussing ground rules and rubrics
Week 02: The ABCD learning objectives framework and effective web searches; choose the best searches for your information need
Week 03: Oral/Aural skill-building websites and bookmarks with Delicious
Week 04: Reading/Writing websites and technology-enhanced lesson plans
Week 05: Project-based learning, WebQuests, and rubrics
Week 06: Student-centered large classes and interactive PowerPoint
Week 07: Learner autonomy and the one-computer classroom
Week 08: Teacher resources online
Week 09: Leaning styles: technology connections
Week 10: Course review and wrap-up

The list below is what I did and advice for future participants. In fact, I think what I did through this course must be core and useful tips for every online and offline training course.
1. Look whole contents all around and grasp the flow of the course. It makes you predict what you will do and prepare it.
2. Keep in mind ground rules and rubrics. They will tell how you can make it.
3. Make a plan for your tasks. The course is usually consists of three parts:
Two posts on Nicenet, one or two tasks, reflection (blogging), plus, final project writing by week 9. Especially, to keep up with two postings per week, planning is important.
4. For review and future use, make a folder of each week and save useful articles.
5. Manage your favorites saving useful websites. (Use ‘Delicious’.)
6. Access a provided ‘Blog Roll’ and visit your course-mates. You can see lots of ideas and insightful reflections.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 09: Technology and Learning Styles

Technology and Multiple Intelligences

Nine intelligences (Howard Gardner)

Students learn through…..
• Verbal-Linguistic (word smart): speaking, reading, writing, and listening
• Logical/Mathematical (number smart): numbers, reasoning, and problem solving
• Visual/Spatial (picture smart): visually and tend to organize their thinking spatially
• Bodily/Kinesthetic (body smart): physical activity and any kind of movement
• Musical/Rhythmic (music smart): sounds and other types of auditory expression
• Intrapersonal (self smart): metacognitive practices such as getting in touch with their feelings and self motivation
• Interpersonal (social smart): interaction with other people through discussions, cooperative work, or social activities
• Naturalist (nature people): interactions with the environment including outdoor activities, field trips, and involvement with plants and animals
• Existentialist (wondering people): seeing the “big picture” of human existence by asking philosophical questions about the world

Eight Intelligences (Richard M. Felder and Barbara A. Soloman)
• Active/Reflective
• Sensing/Intuitive
• Visual/Verbal
• Sequential/Global learners

“Technology can be used to facilitate learning in each intelligence area. There is no "right way" to integrate intelligences or technology into the classroom. The key is to provide the most effective learning environment for students.”

As many researches goes on, there must be various categories of multiple intelligences. Teachers try to find out the way to meet students’ needs based on multiple intelligences. As Robert asked above, while reading the articles, I wondered: Should we teach with one dominant learning style of each student, or should we expose students to other learning styles and make up for the weak areas?

In my opinion, teachers should try to find out the most effective learning style of each student and teach students with a teaching style suitable for each learning style. However, as Vinicius quoted above, teachers should strive for a balance of instructional methods. Teachers need to expose students to other learning styles, but they don’t need to force students to make up for the weakness.

In addition, although other ways or tools can help teachers and students, there is no doubt that technology must be powerful and intelligent tool which gives us various opportunities for education.

-Tech tools that support multiple intelligences
-‘Learning styles and strategies’ By Richard M. Felder
-‘Do technology based lessons meet the needs students learning styles?’ By Dara Rosen
-Learning styles online quiz - learn about your own learning stylehttp://www.open2.net/survey/learningstyles/
-Sailing the 5 C's with Learning Strategies: http://www.nclrc.org/sailing/

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 08-3: Teacher Resources Online

Make exercises online

-Tools for educators: http://www.toolsforeducators.com/
-Easy Test Maker (paper tests):
-Crossword Puzzle Game: http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/create.html
-Web Poster Wizard: http://wizard.4teachers.org/
-SMILE- a variety of web-based activity generators (free registration)


-Provide a speech-based toolbox
-Used as a space for student audio and video recordings: Voicethread, Wetoku
-Used as a course website (other web-based resources): CLEAR
-Used as a space for audio-video cultural exchanges or collaborations
-Needs: a browser, Flash Player, a headset with a microphone, a decent Internet connection

-ANVILL (National Virtual Language Lab):

-ANVILL Background Readings:

3) A Comparison of Online Tools for Audio and Video Recording A Search for Free and Affordable Voice Recording to Replace Wimba Voice:

1) From Aerogram to Voicemail: Connecting Learners for Cross Cultural Understanding (ATJO Newsletter): http://babel.uoregon.edu/anvill/ATJONewsletter_Sept_2011.pdf
2) Transforming Language Education Across the Internet:

Week 08-2: Teacher Resources Online

Create a class site or make online exercises

a) What tool you used (please list the website) and what you created?
After reading PDF instruction on the webpage, I created a class survey using
Google docs. The topic is ‘My favorites’ categorizing colors, sports, and subjects. This is for 6th graders of elementary school in EFL situation. Originally, the owner (teacher) sends his/her link to the students by email and each student can do a survey by clicking on their emails. However, this is a kind of trial and I didn’t send an email to my students. Instead, I’ve shared with anyone who has the link to see my work.

Here is my document’s page on Google docs:

b) How you will use it in your teaching?
I would like to use Google docs as a tool of JiTT (Just in Time Teaching) or homework. Especially, Google docs can be used for class survey and writing. Before the class, I send some survey questions to my students by email, and they reply by email and see the results. According to the class situation, I also can collect students’ opinions and their needs using various questions. In cases of writing, students can submit their homework be email or typing directly on the sheets.

c) The type of students who would use it?
According to the students’ language level and computer proficiency, the forms of Google docs can be varied.

d) How you will encourage learner autonomy with this tool?
Participating in survey or writing on the computer, the students can be motivated because they used to write on the paper textbook before, but it is new and interactive to them. They can see the results with their own eyes and also get feedback from their teachers’ comments. The students can reorganize those shared contents with each other.

-Google docs

Week 08-1: Teacher Resources Online

Online tools for enhancing learning

I’ve heard about Hot Potatoes from some colleges and I’ve been curious about it. It was great to have an opportunity to explore it this week.

The Hot Potatoes allows us to create interactive exercises that students can do on the web or from a diskette. I downloaded Hot Potatoes Version 6 and it contains six options as follows:
1) JQuiz - question-based exercises
2) JCloze - gap fill exercises
3) JMatch - matching exercises
4) JMix - jumble exercises
5) JCross - crosswords
6) The Masher - building linked units of material

*How could using these tools promote learner autonomy?
Students are mostly reluctant to do extra work (homework) at home, especially about reading and writing on a paper. They prefer more active exercises with immediate feedback like video games to reading and completing sentences in a book. The Hot Potatoes let students participate in interactive exercises, and the students might be motivated by its visual exercises. As teachers make interesting and challenging exercises, the students can learn by doing as active learners and they can review what they learned with quick feedback. By doing so, teachers also get useful feedback what students have difficulties with.

*What are the constraints that would make it difficult to use these tools?
Using Hot Potatoes, teachers can quite easily make exercises, and it allows us to include external contents such as video, audio, and images. I didn’t find out the constraints so far, but according to computer proficiency or preference of the students, some students might have difficulties with doing web-based activities.

*How will you overcome them?
If teachers provide helpful guides of each activity to the students, they would feel more comfortable and easily do the activities.

-Hot Potatoes (Version 6) -